Month: April 2014

Visit Volvo Cars in Ghent

On Februari 28th, we visited Volvos production line in Ghent. It was very nice to see how a complete car is build from scratch. The visit started with a presentation about Volvo in the past, the theory behind the production line and Volvo today. The presentation contained also a lot of interesting facts and figures. After the presentation we went to the production plant, we followed the entire process that a car make true the factory till it rolls off the production line.

Imagethe Volvo plant in Ghent





Most of the  parts are delivered by DSV and Plastal witch we also visited.





Questions prior to visit Volvo Ghent

I also visited Volvo Ghent at the same day. We received the answers before we could ask in the presentation before the visit at the production line.

Gaël's Automotive Blog

Hello followers

I have some questions to ask at the visit:

1: Why is Volvo located in Ghent and why not in Bruges for example?
2: How many accidents are there in the company in one year?
3: How many cars do you produce each hour and what is the daily target?
4: What About the employees, are they loyal?

These are my questions that I would like to ask.

See you soon 😉

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April first 2014

It’s the first of April, officially the worst day on the Internet all year. A few examples:

  1. This morning, a few news websites published an article about the well discussed pandas in Paridaiza. They said that the two pandas were female and send one of them to there biggest rival ,the zoo of Antwerp’
  2. Vives High School tried to fool the students by publishing a post on their Facebook page. They said that they have had troubles with the software for organizing the exams in june. For apologizing, every student could ask a to let off one exam.
    Schermafbeelding 2014-04-01 om 16.11.48
  3. And of course, the car manufacturers couldn’t stay behind. By following Jeremy Clarkson on Twitter I found a resume of all the gags.
    Schermafbeelding 2014-04-01 om 16.31.54


I believe that these gags take a part of the marketing strategy, by publishing this kind of things, they keep the public awake especially in the automotive sector. I even believe that we can compare this ‘stunts’ with the extreme concept cars. Everybody knows that it is impossible to build such things in series but the costumer loves it.

About myself and this blog

Hello followers, welcome on my blog. I am Sil Kruissen, a student in Automotive Management at Vives High School in Kortrijk Belgium. In this blog I will try to post at least once a week some comments, retweets and short articles about the automotive sector, logistics, my personal life and my internship @ Vanneste Motors in Kortrijk.